Your Dog's Oral Health Needs Explained


Like humans, dogs can experience oral health problems and require regular oral care to keep their teeth and gums healthy. You should have a daily oral hygiene routine in place for your dog, which should include brushing with a suitable toothbrush and toothpaste formulated for dogs. If your dog doesn't like having their teeth brushed, try using a finger brush and a flavour of toothpaste they enjoy. Dogs often tolerate the feeling of your finger in their mouth more easily than they do a hard toothbrush. You can also incorporate some specially-formulated dental chew treats into their diet to help keep their teeth clean and prevent plaque and tartar from building up around their gums. Read on to learn about the signs of an oral health problem to be on the lookout for and the types of oral health problems that can affect your dog.

Signs Of An Oral Health Problem In Dogs

It can be difficult to spot whether your dog is experiencing mouth pain, as a dog's instinct tends to be to hide chronic pain whenever possible. Even though your dog may not stop eating or whimper in pain when they have a toothache or cracked tooth, there are signs of an oral health problem to be aware of. Your dog may start chewing on one side when they are eating, and they may have bad breath. You may notice inflammation along the gum line or discolouration of one or more teeth. Some dogs will develop bleeding gums or may leave blood on chew toys. Additional signs to look out for include lumps anywhere in the mouth and your dog suddenly being reluctant to have their head or their face touched.

Common Oral Health Problems Affecting Dogs

There are a few oral health problems that are particularly common in dogs. A dog can get a cracked tooth as a result of trauma or biting down on something very hard. A cracked tooth is painful and can also allow bacteria to enter the soft pulp of the tooth, which can lead to an infection developing. Plaque and tartar can build up on your dog's teeth if they aren't cleaned regularly or if they eat a diet that consists of a lot of refined carbohydrates. In addition to damaging the tooth enamel, plaque and tartar can cause the gums to become inflamed, and this can lead to gum disease developing. Gum disease can cause the gums to recede and allow bacteria to enter the gum tissue and tooth sockets, and this can lead to decay and tooth loss.

It's a good idea to have your dog's teeth checked by your vet around once a year. If you have any concerns about your dog's oral health, schedule a dog dental check-up as soon as possible.  


1 March 2021

Treatments Provided by Your Local Vet

Welcome to our blog — a place to discover the latest news, updates, hints and tips about how to care for your beloved pet. While we aren't qualified vets, we hope that our careful research into how a vet can treat various pets and animals. By the time you have finished reading some of the things posted here, you will understand various veterinary treatments such as urinary tract infections, skin conditions and other health issues that can plague pets. We would like to offer you our sincere thanks to you for taking the time to check out our blog. Thank you.