What to Do if Your Cat Is Constipated


Constipation can be as hard on a cat as it can be on a human. As one of the most common cat digestive issues, constipation will likely pop up in your furry friend's life at least once. As such, being informed on what to do if your kitty gets constipated is crucial. Alongside pain and discomfort, constipation can cause worrying symptoms like loss of appetite, vomiting, and weight loss, all of which need to be dealt with as soon as possible to avoid complications. Read on for a handy guide on how to help alleviate your cat's constipation.

1. Try to hydrate them

Water is a vital part of any cat's diet, especially when your cat's diet is made up predominantly of dry food. However, the issue is that most cats don't enjoy drinking water and won't go out of their way to. It's often this dehydration that leads to constipation, so hydrating your cat can be a great way of stimulating them to "go." Make sure fresh water is available at all times, and try giving your cat water in different types of dishes, as some cats prefer to lick from a shallow bowl or plate. Adding a little low-salt chicken or fish broth to the water can also encourage your cat to drink. Failing that, supplementing their diet with wet food for a while may give them the moisture they need.

2. Change their diet

Changing your cat's diet from dry food to wet food can certainly help prevent or relieve constipation, but even some wet foods can add to the problem. Fibre is the nutrient that will stimulate your pet's digestive system, helping to move waste faster and ensure it's soft enough to pass. Many cat foods on the market simply don't have enough fibre for many cats. When your cat is already constipated, a bowl of canned pumpkin can provide the necessary fibre boost to get the bowel moving. In the long-term, consider changing your cat's food to one with a higher fibre content at your vet's approval. 

3. Brush them well

You may be wondering how brushing can affect your furry friend's digestive system, but there's actually a connection. The more often you groom your cat, the less prone they'll be to hairballs. A cat hairball is a collection of dead hair and digestive juices formed in their stomach when a cat licks itself while shedding fur. This can clog up the digestive system, leading to constipation, especially for long-haired breeds. There are hairball products on the market that can get rid of hairballs in a quick fix, but brushing regularly will be the key to preventing the return of constipation in the future.

4. Consult your vet 

If your cat is constipated and no quick fix seems to work, it's best to consult local vet services. A vet can prescribe laxatives or use enemas to flush out your kitty's system and get the constipation blockage gone as soon as possible. They'll also do a deeper dive into your cat's health to make sure there are no underlying problems that require stronger medications or more serious procedures.


29 July 2021

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